Still, to answer my correspondent in Oregon…no, Olivia, the fire tower’s attraction to the local water tower goes nowhere. As Modesty, riding in the tower’s cab, points out when the tower leans a little too affectionately close to the other tower, “No, no, no! You’re a fire tower. This is a water tower. Fire and water don’t mix! There can only be heartache.”
She’s right. There certainly can never be fireworks.
And to Liam, from Missouri, I can only say I’m sorry to hear that the fire tower near you was torn down and replaced with a cell phone tower. Sometimes they pave paradise and put up a parking lot. Same thing. I still have a fire tower about four miles to the south of where I live. I pass it almost every day on my way into town, and it was this tower that inspired the one in the book.
Although this one doesn’t walk around much.